Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Oh Man…How Pretentious

Holy smoke…that question to Obama is just so fake.  Obviously that question is just made up by some Chinese officials.  Unfortunately thousands of students will yet again get brain washed by such question.  It is brave of Obama to face the questions “from Chinese students,” but unfortunately, whomever stands in that situation will be used by the Chinese government.  The questions are selective, some even fabricated.  No one can avoid answering in the way Chinese government want in such condition.

Another possible worry is that although most of Taiwanese and those who understand Taiwan will realize the obvious fakeness, it might not be very apparent to outsiders.  This might contribute to more misunderstanding between the US and Taiwan.  (I wonder, would Obama realize the fakeness in this question?)

Update: ha…found some serious error…can’t help it, wrote this in a hurry yesterday.

An Example Demonstrating The Similarity Between KMT and CCP

To demonstrate my opinion that KMT and CCP are made out of the same sh*t, here is another example:

This might not look like a big deal, but actually it is.  It demonstrate KMT’s authoritarian nature (the same authoritarian nature as CCP’s).   First the Taipei City forces those elementary students to got watch the game, and now they want them to wave particular flag and cheer for particular national team (in this case, the Chinese team).  This is just outrageous.

To cheer for which team or to wave which national flag should be a personal choice, even for young students.  Is waving Chinese national flag part of the educational curriculum?  If not, why should the students wave them.

Some adults have this mentality: “well, they are just kids, who cares.”  But that cannot be more wrong.  Kids are the most vulnerable members of our society.  It is our responsibility to protect their rights, and cannot let them be used by the government institutions for some arbitrary purpose against their will.  (Kids are forced to go to school, of course.  However, “going to school” is not some arbitrary purpose setup by the government.  It is a long established tradition of human society to educate our young.)

Taiwan Advances in Little League

🙂 I guess this is a good news:  Kuei-Shan team advances to World Series.

I like their uniform colors.

Just Move In

Will try out WordPress now.  My old blog site on Blogspot can be found here:

Update: :-o, man, how come a lot of RSS feed that works on my old blog does not work here?  Weird.

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